Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Photo Organizing Tips!

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Bay Area Professional Organizer
Stop Staring at Clutter--Get Organized with Kiera Rain
Photo & Memorabilia Organization!

Tubs of pictures in closets and under beds, undeveloped rolls of film, packets of pictures hidden in drawers, scrapbooking materials piled up in a corner, photos passed down from an estate, pictures that still need to be framed and hung, outdated photos in frames, hundreds of pictures to sort through on your computer.....It can be quite overwhelming!

As a Professional Organizer, I can help you with your photo, memorabilia and collections organizing. I've been helping clients for years with this task, and clients are always much relieved to get the task done, and are always fascinated when going down Memory Lane. I personally love those sessions--it's a lot of fun to just sit down together, going over photos, chatting about memories while still tackling a huge To-Do on the list! I always love connecting with my clients, and this is always a special privilege of truly connecting with them.

A unique perspective that I bring to the table is that I also worked as a photographer/photo editor at Picture People as a teenager, and it gave me a good eye at focusing on how to best organize clients when handling their photo/memorabilia caseloads. Just check-out some of the before/after pictures below, and scroll all the way down for fabulous Photo Organizing Tips!
Photo Album Before/After Picture
Pictured Above & Below
Above: Over 2,000 pictures gone through, sorted, managed into photo albums in chronological order, as well as by Holidays and Special Occassions. Extra photos were mailed to friends/relatives in the pictures.

Below: Pictures arranged in collage frames and hung on the hallway walls, proudly displayed.
Photos Arranged and Hung on the Wall
Mommy and Baby Playday by EricJamesPhoto.com
Limited Time Photo Organizing Special!
Since I just did my 3rd photo session with Eric James Photography (check out his stellar Yelp reviews here), I want to have some relaxed sessions with clients where we can just pour over photo after photo and have a good time sharing over passtimes and creating systems where the pictures are no longer in hiding, but now on display, to linger over as you pass by them hung up in the hall, or shared online, instead of collecting dust.

SO, for the month of August, I am offering a SPECIAL discount for New AND Existing Clients--Only $65/hr, on special from $85/hr, for Photo Organizing, whether print, online or mix. Sessions are still 4-6 hours in length for booking. Clients must reside in Contra Costa County for the deal. Clients may schedule as many sessions as they need in the month of August for this discount. Discount only good for August 2013 Photo Organizing sessions.

Ready to get started with me to get your photos and memorabilia organized?Click Here to schedule your session!
An Organized Way to Hang Your Photos!
There are so many neat and cool ways you can hang your photos. Here's just another idea!
An Organized Way to Hang Your Photos!
A great way to re-claim empty corner space by using pictures!
A great way to re-claim empty corner space by using pictures!
Simple, Easy To-Do Trick to bring personality and style into an empty space!

Follow on Pinterest for More Amazing Ideas!
An Organized Photo CD Box
Just one of the many ways you can organize your photos is by scanning all the printed photos, transfering all the digital photos, and organizing the combined lots into chronological order using Photo CDs. You can then label the CDs into a small labeled photo box (get a fireproof box for added back-up protection.)
An Organized CD Photo Box
Family Year Books!
Family Year Books!
One of the things I highly recommend clients do when photo/memorabilia organizing is to create a Shutterfly.comcoffee table book (makes awesome Mother's/Father's Day, Anniversary, and Grandparent Gifts too by the way)! You can also create Family Year Books. This takes scrapbooking to a whole new level--you'll love how easy and fun it is! It clears up the clutter, and gives additional photo storage back-up!

Tip: Google Shutterfly Coupons when you're ready to check-out.
Tip: Take Pictures of Memorabilia Items instead of Keeping Them
Know that old T-shirt from high school that you loved and still love, but no longer fits? Take a picture of it, and add it to your photo album, donating the shirt instead of it collecting dust! You can do this with any memorabilia item that can be donated/recycled to de-clutter your space while still preserving your special memories of the item! Whip out your camera phone to take the snapshot, and you can immediately post it on your social media, send it as an email/text, save it to your camera roll on your phone, and download it to your computer files (even print it out if you want!) Gotta love technology!
Tip: Take Pictures of Memorabilia Items