Saturday, January 20, 2018

How does the color of your room affect you?

What Does Color Mean?
How Does it Affect You?

The Language of Color
Are you curious about how color influences mood? Do you know which colors to pick if you want the environment to be cheerful or dramatic or comforting? Use this guide to decide what language YOU want to elicit in your room, home or office. (Color guide provided by Manage My Life.)
Here are a few color examples and what language they each are speaking:
Pink: soothes, acquiesces; promotes affability and affection.
Yellow: expands, cheers; increases energy.
White: purifies, energizes, unifies; in combination, enlivens all other colors.
Black: disciplines, authorizes, strengthens; encourages independence.
Orange: cheers, commands; stimulates appetites, conversation, and charity.
Red: empowers, stimulates, dramatizes, competes; symbolizes passion.
Green: balances, normalizes, refreshes; encourages emotional growth.
Purple: comforts, spiritualizes; creates mystery and draws out intuition.
Blue: relaxes, refreshes, cools; produces tranquil feelings and peaceful moods
Do you know what mood you are wanting to create? Keep in mind that paint is the easiest and cheapest way to change the mood of an environment.