Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Organizing Tips from Readers!

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Bay Area Professional Organizer
"De-Clutter to De-Stress!"

by Kiera Rain
"I just want to take my WHOLE house, flip it over in my hands like a snow globe, and shake everything out!"
--Last Week's Client
Happy Holidays!
Happy Holidays from
Bay Area Professional Organizer!

May Your 2015 be Phenomenal!

Kiera Rain
It's the END of 2014! I've had a blast with ya'll, and I wanted to take the time in this e-newsletter to give shout-outs to my followers and clients and networking friends to feature some of YOUR sage advice and shared tips/tricks! Check out the cool tips below!

The Next E-Newsletter will be all about my changes for my business for the New Year, some of which I started implementing in August. I'll add some juicy before and after pictures, too! See ya in the New Year, My Friends!

Phone: 415-786-8266

Please browse the BAPO Website for a complete over-view of Pricing, Before and After Pictures, Testimonials and More!

Latest Blog Post:

10 Ways to ACTUALLY Accomplish Your New Year's Goals!
Redbook Magazine Tip for Wrist Baubles!
Redbook Magazine Tip for Wrist Baubles!

Thanks for sending this in, Charlotte from Vallejo!
Older Kids' Art Supply Organizing Idea!

Debbie shared this from Pinterest. She's a teacher in Berkeley.
Older Kids' Art Supply Organizing Idea
Money for 2015?
"My tip is to hire YOU! I was shocked by all the money, checks, gift cards, coupons, etc I had hidden in my apartment! My daughter and I had fun cashing in all the goodies!"  --Carissa in Concord, CA
Create More Space in Your Closets with Stick-On Hooks!
"Hi Kiera! In response to your e-newsletter, here is something I recently did to maximize my unused closet wall. Now my go-to hats and bathrobes actually have a home!"  --Janelle, Concord, CA
Create More Space in Your Closets with Stick-On Hooks!
Stuffed Animal Clutter?
Sick of Stuffed Animals?
This client already had a solution for these clutter-causing creatures before I'd even stepped on the scene. She had a hamper-like basket for tall, unruly toys (baseball bat, toy saw, blow-up larger than life crayon, etc) on the floor of her son's closet, and above, she hung up a multi-purpose organizer made up of several rings, commonly used for scarves. She stuck animal's heads in them instead!

Thanks for the great idea, Kymberly of Walnut Creek!

Rachel from Oakland, CA put up a decorative hanging piece in her coat closet for all of her purses.
Purse Closet Organizing!
Don't Forget to Look Under Your Bed!
"Don't forget to look under your bed and behind your dresser!"
--17 year old in Brentwood
Or pull up those couch cushions, right folks? 
Let's Get Organized for the New Year! CHEERS to 2015!

Call 415-786-8266 for a Free Phone Consultation with Kiera Rain!
Bathroom of a 17 year old MAKEOVER!
NOT a Hoarder! 17 year old's room got out-of-control, so parents hired me to fix it!
Copyright © 2013 Bay Area Professional Organizer
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Every time a new e-newsletter is sent out by Kiera Rain, Bay Area Professional Organizer, a Tree is Planted!