Saturday, September 26, 2015

Kitchen Organizing for the Holidays

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Bay Area Professional Organizer
"De-Clutter to De-Stress!"

Kiera Rain, 415-786-8266,
60 Days till Holiday Guests start arriving for Thanksgiving!
Are you ready?
Kitchen Organizing After Photos!
Kitchen Organizing After
Kitchen After Photos
Kitchen Organizing
Tupperware Organizing
Kitchen Cabinet Organizing
Kitchen Organizing
Office, Paper and Virtual Organizing

Here's my post on Facebook on August 18th:
"I have 3 email accounts. I have ZERO emails in all 3 of my accounts! None in the inbox, trash or spam folders! Jealous? I do virtual email organizing! Message me if you want the same refreshing feeling! Most of my clients have thousands of unread and spam emails in their daily inboxes. And many can't even remember how many email accounts they have, let alone their login info to each."

I was on vacation Sept 3rd--14th, no cell or internet service for the first half of the vacation and too busy to respond the last half of it. Today, first day back, I have 14 emails in my inbox after checking my emails/responding in the morning. Zero in the spam or trash. It CAN be done!

Office Organization - organizing paper clutter, stationary and cards, memorabilia, financial records, contacts, email accounts, social media accounts, spam filters, creating filing systems, properly arranging office furniture, decorating office spaces

Paper & Financial Organization - tackle your paper clutter, organize your financial records, create a better bill paying system, prepare for tax time, manage and improve your debt/credit cards/bank accounts and even your credit scores via organization, properly organize your papers and files

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