Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Medicine Cabinet Organizing Tips

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Bay Area Professional Organizer
Stop Staring at Clutter--Get Organized with Kiera Rain
Let's Organize the Medicine Cabinets!

You should be going through your medicine cabinet at least once every six months (I recommend January and July every year) to purge anything expired and stock up on any essentials you need. Keep all your medicines in one spot instead of multiple bathroom cabinets, in the kitchen and under sinks, in night stand drawers, kitchen junk drawers, on counter tops. ONE SPOT for all the meds instead. Keep things high in a cabinet that you can child-proof if you have kids or pets. In this cabinet you can keep other things like a first aid kit, sun block, bug spray, lotion, extra tissues, etc. That way you know where everything is--just in one spot. It's also easy to access in case of emergencies. Purge any meds that are expired and that you no longer need.
Before and After of a Medicine Cabinet/Laundry Room
National Prescription Drug Take Back Day!

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has scheduled the fifth National Presciption Drug Take Back Day on Saturday, April 27th, 2013 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Turn in your unused or expired medication for safe disposal.

Have Light Bulbs, Batteries, Oil, Gas, Pesticides, Cleaners and other Chemicals or hazardous waste you're ready to finally get rid of? Drop off at your local Hazardous Waste Facility (and often police stations will also accept these items, so call your local station to see if you can drop-off along with your presciption meds!)

Delta Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility: 925-756-1990
My Son's 1st Birthday!
Yesterday was my Son's 1st Birthday!
My son and I took off this weekend to celebrate his 1st birthday and celebrate Earth Day (also yesterday). I love that he has an Earth Day Birthday! :-) We went to Monterey, Carmel, Big Sur and McWay Falls! We had a blast exploring, playing, lounging and soaking up the beauty!

Happy Birthday My Beautiful, Wonderful Son! I love you!