Saturday, January 3, 2015

Before and After of a Cluttered Bedroom

My client and I did a major overhaul on this cluttered bedroom, crammed full of books, dvds, clothes, makeup/hygiene care products, craft supplies, snacks stashed away, cat toys/pet care needs (like the litter box) and more. 

We first sorted everything into "Like Piles." 

My client already knew she didn't want the tv and tv stand, so we took it to the curb with a "Free" sign on it and it was gone before we knew it! 

She also no longer wanted the impractical table in the room that had no storage--we are instead replacing it with a desk from downstairs. 

She went through her clothes/books/hygiene products/shoes/etc and donated the excess clutter. We recycled/trashed what couldn't be donated. 

And lastly, once the clutter was cleared, I was able to organize the bookshelf and drawer system you see pictured. Cheers for a HUGE Transformation!