Thursday, January 16, 2014

Free Donation and Recycling Haul-Away Services!

Q. Your ad says free donation and recycling services--what does that mean?
A. Growing up with a Dad who was an Environmental Science Teacher and being named after a Geologist Grandfather, Kiera is extremely environmentally conscience, so she strives to do as many green things as possible. Very little is ever actual trash--most things can be donated or recycled. Donating and recycling helps clients more readily part with their clutter because they know it's going to a good home, not being wasted--so going green is an added bonus for clients! Clients also get a tax write-off donation receipt to become even GREENER

Kiera Rain will drop off donations and recycling for free for every client after each session. 

She donates to Goodwill, allowing the items to have a good chance at finding a home and staying out of a landfill. Make your life less chaotic, stressful and cluttered by donating items you aren't using to help improve others' lives!