Wednesday, March 14, 2018

How Does Clutter Make You Feel?


How Does Clutter Make You Feel?

Parent's Magazine Poll January 2018 Edition


65% of those polled checked that clutter makes them feel, "Anxious or on edge until I can deal with it."

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43% checked, "Overwhelmed--I don't know where to begin."

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39% agreed they were embarrassed for anyone to see it.

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9% said, "I can easily ignore it."

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Only 2% checked, "I don't have clutter in my home."

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Sunday’s client before and after purge, still have to organize the room, now that it’s gutted. Stay tuned for the update! Turning it into home gym. By the way, my shirt says, “Let that shit go.”
Kiera Rain Bay Area Professional Organizer 2

Stop Procrastinating and Call Me Already! I want to work with you!
Kiera Rain, Owner
Bay Area Professional Organizer Co.
Organizing Homes & Offices since 2003
"De-Clutter to De-Stress!"
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This non-hoarding client in SF is a busy mom who was ready to let go of all the baby stuff her 5 year old has outgrown, and make her home "New" post-divorce! She donated ALL of this in just two sessions! She put out large items on the curb for free--it was all gone right away! And she filled up my crosstour twice! I took everything to Love A Child Missions in Bay Point, a homeless shelter for families. Love when my clients love the purge process. Feels so great and freeing!