Thursday, September 28, 2017

Where can I donate medical/hygiene stuff?

Bay Area Professional Organizer Kiera Rain Before and After Teen Playroom
Kiera Rain Bay Area Professional Organizer Co Walnut Creek CA 94597 headshot 3
O, my friends! My very special friends---how I've missed you! The Organizing Tips e-newsletter is Baaacccckkkkk! :-)
Always short and sweet with tricks of the trade, local resources, before and after photos, inspiration and motivation.
Kiera Rain
Bay Area Professional Organizer Co.
Kiera Rain Bay Area Professional Organizer Co Walnut Creek CA 94597 13


NEW phone number! Delete the 415 number, hell-o 925! 925-817-9642
NEW email address! is so much more fun!
NEW WEBSITE! Wahoo! Can't wait to hear your thoughts about my new site!
Now Serving 30 Minutes of Walnut Creek, CA 94597. Solano, Alameda, Contra Costa Counties.
medical equipment donation 2 Bay Area Professional Organizer Kiera Rain

Client Q & A:

"Hey, Kiera! I have a hospital bed ready for donate. Thrift stores won't take beds any more. Do you know where I can donate it?"

-Leah, Concord, CA
"Yes! ReCares Medical Donation in Oakland takes ANY and ALL usable medical supplies (drugs, bandages, equipment, supplies, you name it!) and gives to those who show up in need. Thursdays only, Noon to 4pm, Drop off or pick up, first come/first serve, usually no phone call return service.
2619 Broadway
Oakland, CA 94612


$250 Off Any Package to the first 5 People who click here!
Have an Organized Day!
With Love,