Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Unique Space Saving Ideas!

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Bay Area Professional Organizer
Stop Staring at Clutter--Get Organized with Kiera Rain
Unique Space-Saving Ideas!

Getting Organized can be really fun and inspiring. Just check out the neat ideas below to save space in your home!

ALSO: Senior Health and Wellness Expo COMING SOON--MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW!Tuesday, August 27, 6-8pm in Concord, CA at 1390 Willow Pass Road, Building 2, Free Garage Parking. Only $10/person! Complimentary Wine and Bottled Water, Free Massage, Raffle Prizes Galore, Wonderful Networking Opportunity, Socialize and Have FUN! Details at Bottom of this Email. Want a Vendor Booth? Email me! info@TheBayOrganizer.com or just click "Reply" to this email.
What to do with the Cat Litter Boxes?
What to do with the Cat Litter Boxes?
Little Known Fact: Clients with pets have Pet Clutter. Toys, Treats, Vet Records/Files, Leashes/Collars/Food and Water Dishes....and the dreaded, messy Cat Litter Box for those who are owned by cats. (see what I did there? ;-) What to do with the cat litter box? Where should it go?

Suggestions where the Kitty Litter Box Can Go:
  • Closet Floor with Rug Underneath
  • Corner Litter Box
  • Guest Bathroom
  • OR! You can get rid of it all together! Check out the CitiKitty toilet training kit--it works! Just click on the picture to the left to learn more.
It's Really the Cat's House--We Just Pay the Mortgage.
Grow a Garden Pyramid!
This is a super great way to grow a garden if you have a small yard or concrete patio with no yard. You can also do an indoor garden in a corner of your home--think herbs and spices for your cooking, or catnip for the cats!
Garden Pyramid!
Bins for your Closets!
Closet Organizing
Use these 3 drawer bins in your closet--hang clothes easily above. Add a hamper beside the 3 drawer bin to hide your dirty laundry in the closet. You can also add a three tiered shoe rack organizer on one side of the hamper instead of having two bins.

(PS. I do not recommend over-the-door shoe organizers because of the added eye clutter and clients frequently not being able to shut their door all the way.)

Follow on Pinterest for More Space-Saving Ideas!
Keep Sheet Sets Together Inside Pillow Cases!
Super easy DIY trick to keep your linen closets organized! Don't forget to purge and donate any excess linens/towels you no longer need/want/use. Towels and Blankets are super needed things at shelters--please donate!
Keep Sheet Sets Together Inside Pillow Cases!
Bungee Cords at Their Finest!
Garage Organizing Tip!
Bungee Cords at Their Finest!
Make-Up Organizing Trick!
Use a magnet board so you can easily see and grab your make-up when you're getting ready!

More Ideas on Facebook
Make-Up Organizing Trick!
Handy-Dandy Bathroom Organizing Tip!
Handy-Dandy Bathroom Organizing Tip!
Definitely steal this idea for your own bathroom! Just use PVC pipe and screws!
Magazine Holder Turned Bathroom Organizer!
Super Simple DIY Bathroom Organizing Trick!
Magazine Holder Turned Bathroom Organizer!
Use Swimming Foam Noodles to Keep Your Boots Straight!
Use Swimming Foam Noodles to Keep Your Boots Straight!
Grab a couple of foam swimming noodles to cut up and keep your shoes in tip-top shape!
Senior Health & Wellness Expo!
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Waddell and Reed
1390 Willow Pass Road
Building 2, Suite 480
Concord, CA

Do you network with others in the Senior or Healthcare/Wellness Fields? Then this event is for YOU!

Are you a Senior? Needing healthcare supplements, curious about what's the latest on the market for healthcare, ever wanted to try the Skinny Wraps, want a massage or chiropractic adjustment? We have you covered! Come check out the Senior Health and Wellness Expo, coming up on Tuesday evening, August 27th, 6-8pm! Only $10 entry! Only $7 for an arm's length of Raffle Tickets! (Cash Only Please.) Free Garage Parking! Easy Access off the Highway! On Willow Pass Road across from Elephant Bar/Denny's/Sizzler's.

Complimentary Wine and Bottled Water!
Free Chair Massage!
Raffle Prizes Galore!
Vendor Booths to Browse!
Wonderful Networking Opportunity--Bring LOTS of Business Cards!

Charity Fundraiser for Affected by Murder Support Group (ABM): http://www.AffectedByMurder.com. 100% of proceeds benefit this new east bay support group for those who have lost loved ones to murder, homicide, manslaughter (whether through domestic violence, robbery, drunk driving incident, etc.) The donations allow the group to meet bi-monthly in Walnut Creek, and have a resource website to help victims all over the country. The Crisis Center of the East Bay, Hospice of the East Bay, Victims of Violent Crimes, and others are directing family/friends of murder victims to this support group. Without community support, this group would not exist. Thank you for your contribution of an admission ticket of only $10!

Want a Booth at the Event? Booths are only $50!! And 100% of the proceeds go to the ABM Support Group! Contact Kiera Rain, Bay Area Professional Organizer at info@TheBayOrganizer.com to reserve your booth today! Table and Chair Included, vendors must bring all marketing supplies for their booth with them, vendors strongly encouraged to bring a raffle prize to donate to have their business announced over the loud speaker for special recognition for donating, Vendors must be completely set-up between 5--5:30pm, vendors can take down their booths around 8:30pm. Thank you for supporting your local community!
Senior Health and Wellness Expo