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What Products Does an Organizer Recommend?
Below is my personal shopping list that I highly recommend! Take a Look! Now, this doesn't mean that buying things is going to get you organized. On the contrary. Shopping can easily lead to cluttering. Use what you already have first, THEN see what you need to replace/buy. You'll notice that most of the things on my list are also not an arm and leg to buy. Getting Organized takes WORK. It takes time, focus, and dedication. No other way around it. You have to Sort--Purge--THEN Organize. Again, no other way around it. :-) But below are some helpful solutions to common storage problems, especially for the closet!
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File Jacket Folders at Staples
These babies are awe-some! I recommend these to every client who is dealing with paper clutter/home office/etc. Why these are great:
- They expand 1.5" to 2" (I recommend just getting the 2" kind)
- They last, and last, and last! They are very durable. You can just keep re-labeling and re-using for years!
- I recommend buying 2 packs, each pack has 25 folders
- Little pricey, but well worth it!
- NOTHING falls out on the sides! Receipts are neatly contained
- Keeps your files looking neat and uniformed
- Easy to read the tabs--they don't hide, but stick up and jet out for easy finding!
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Plastic, Same Colored, Thin Hangers with Shouler Grooves
If you've been to one of my events where I speak, you've heard me talk about the importance of hangers. :-) I recommend PLASTIC over wire (flimsy--toss!), Wood (heavy and thick, weighing down your racks and taking up space), Metal (heavy), Felt (more time consuming/harder to hang up the clothes--penalty for having them not slip off--buy hangers with shoulder grooves to prevent slipping off). Plastic is cheap, light weight, easy to hang up/take off the hanger, keeps the clothes ON the hanger with the shoulder grooves. I recommend getting all the same color for a more uniformed, aesthetically pleasing look. However, one client had a beautiful closet of white, organge, green and light blue hangers mixed in--that also looked really pretty. The important, MUST DO thing, is to have all the same type of hangers--for many reasons. Just trust me. Not enough room to type all the reasons why. ;-) If you go to the Walmart (the place that is hated yet loved), you can easily find them in white, black, blue and purple.
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Thin Skirt Hangers
If you have skirts, get these! Oftentimes, the stores let you keep the hangers after purchase, so you may already have some. Buy more if you don't have enough for all of your skirts or strapless dresses.
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Kids' Hangers at Dollar Tree
These fun lil' guys are a bargain steal--6 pack for a dollar, and they come in cute colors of pink, blue or white! Perfect for clothes baby to pre-teen!
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Mainstays Shoe Rack at Walmart
Yes, I'm sending you to the dreaded Walmart again! This 4 tiered shoe rack fits perfectly in your closet, right beside your hamper. And on the other side of your closet, you can fit the below bin. So, left to right on your closet floor, you'd have: Shoe Rack, Hamper, Storage Bin. Your clothes can hang beautifully and neatly above.
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Sterilite 3 Drawer Cart at Walmart
These are a Best Seller. And I HIGHLY recommend them for every closet! You can store sweaters, hats/scarves/gloves, purses, toys, diapers/lotions/health care products for infants, additional clothes, etc--whatever you want. VERY durable. They've lasted me for SEVERAL years and SEVERAL moves--easy to clean and keep clean--and they come in a variety of colors. You can also get a skinny one--half the width as this one. Click on the picture to see more options. PS I don't keep the wheels that come with.
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Mainstays White, Tall, Aerated Hamper
Fits perfectly in your closet between the Shoe Rack and Storage Bin, while clothes above hang neatly.
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Check out this Hamper!
Go on--Click on the picture!
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Mainstays Canvas Bins--Large
I personally like the blue and red ones! Choose your favorite color, then place them on your shelf in your closet to store hats, gloves, scarves, or whatver your heart desires!
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Mainstays Canvas Bins--3 Pack, Medium
Again, great for organizing things on your shelf in your closet. Choose clear bins with lids if you are storing things that you won't access much or that you want further protection from light and dust, like photos.
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KidKraft See Through Toy Storage Bin!
This lights my fancy!
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Glad Tall Kitchen Bags--Scented
I always start off with 3 open garbage bags by my feet when I'm sorting and de-cluttering: Recycle, Donate, Trash. Very little is ever actual trash--most things can be donated or recycled. My favorite bags to use? Glad Tall Kitchen White with Drawstring--Lemon or Lavender Scented. It's so nice to have a "fresh" or "relaxing" scent while purging, say, a closet or musty garage. Gives that extra "umph" of niceness while you're organizing. I also recommend them because they are strong, not so big/heavy that you can't lift them, the drawstring tie helps prevent anything spilling out, and they are a great value. I recommend them for every home. They have plain, unscented too.
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Dyson Animal Vacuum
Got Pets? Allergies? Is your home prone to dust? This sucker is AWESOME! Lots of different designs to choose from. I bought mine at BestBuy. You can also order on Amazon, and I'm sure a bunch of other places. Have fun browsing if you're in the market for a new vacuum.
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Holiday/Birthday Break Schedule
I'll be gone the below dates to celebrate Christmas, New Years and My Birthday (Also New Year's Day)! Be sure to contact me sooner than later if you want to start de-cluttering and organizing your space before I leave. You can also schedule now for when I return to work, Sunday, January 12th. January is National "Get Organized" Month, or otherwise known as "GO!" Month. As in, "Go On--Get Organized Already! It's the NEW YEAR--Start Fresh!"Holiday Break:CLOSED: Monday, December 23rd--Thursday, December 26th CLOSED: Monday, December 30th--Saturday, January 11th To everyone who celebrates any type of holiday this December/January--I hope it's a wonderful time of celebration for you! CHEERS!
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I only have the weekend after Christmas Available until Jan 12th and after!
I JUST got off the phone mere minutes ago from a brand new booking--a son in Seattle bought a gift certificate for his Dad and New Wife as a surprise gift! His dad gets ready and goes to work at 7am every morning. Since his new wife moved in, a lot of her stuff is still packed away in the garage. They can't park in the garage now. The son wants the garage de-cluttered and organized so they can park in the garage--that way, he won't have to worry about his dad slipping on ice when he leaves in the early morning. How sweet of a son is that? I love feel-good stories! If you want to book a session or buy a Gift Certificate for the weekend after Christmas, or in the New Year, Click HERE >>
Happy Holidays!!! Stay Warm and Merry!
Kiera Rain Bay Area Professional Organizer 415-786-8266 (cell) 925-290-7246 (work) info@TheBayOrganizer.com http://www.BayAreaProfessionalOrganizer.com
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