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Bay Area Professional Organizer
"De-Clutter to De-Stress!"
by Kiera Rain
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You'll never hear someone say, "I regret organizing my house!"
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Happy New Year!
Cheers to a Phenomenal 2015!
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On a Personal Note:
New Year's Day is actually also my Birthday! I had a lot of fun celebrating both the New Year and my bday. On New Year's Eve Eve, we went to Santa Cruz and toured the Mystery Spot (highly recommend you go!), hung out at the boardwalk, and had a wonderful dinner at Hula's Island Grill and Tiki Room. On my bday, we went out to eat for brunch, played in Benicia, ate at my favorite restaurant Texas Roadhouse in Tracy, went shopping, and then watched the 3rd Hobbit Movie (which was my favorite part of the whole day! LOVE LTR!) Last year, same day, I was in Ireland watching the 2nd Hobbit Movie! :-) This year, I hope for continued business growth, I'm looking forward to my son starting preschool in September, and I'm excited about the balance I worked really hard at creating last year to continue into this year--financial balance and plenty of routine self-care. Life throws ya curve balls out of left field at times, and it's a good thing I have my eye on the ball when it comes zooming at me! I'm not afraid to take a crack at the ball and SWING! What are your New Year's Resolutions? Cheers to 2015! Kiera Rain Bay Area Professional Organizer Co. 415-786-8266
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Wahoo! This January marks 5 years in business! I'm so proud and blessed to have made it this far! I love being an entrepreuner, and the rush of the roller coaster ride! I started off Professional Organizing at the age of 14! My mother was the sales/marketing manager at Mercer County Mall in West Virginia, and she hired me seasonally to organize the management offices and two story storage rooms where the Christmas and Easter Decorations lived, among other misc boxes. After that, I organized businesses and country clubs, and in January 2010, I opened my own business, focusing on home and business organizing! I LOVE what I do! Even 12 years later. In celebration of my 5 year anniversary, I'll be hosting a Celebration Party for Clients, Networking Pals, Friends and Family in May, the 5th month, so stay tuned for more details in the upcoming months! I'm super excited to celebrate with you all!
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Changes to my Business for 2015!
*I am now only working the East and North Bay. I want less travel time and more time with my son. I will of course continue working with existing and past clients out-of-the-area, and take on their personal referrals, but for New Clients, I will be sticking to the East and North Bay.
*I am referring Kat of The Simplified Life for San Francisco to Mountain View. I am referring Amy Hawkins of Take Charge Organize to cover the South Bay/San Jose area. Please email me for a referral for Amy or Kat.
*I am no longer working with hoarding, OCD, Severe ADD. I will finish working with past/current clients, but am not accepting New Clients in these categories. After 12 years of specializing in Hoarding, I am taking a New Direction for 2015.
*However, many people think they are hoarding, worry that they are, but in fact are not hoarding. Call me for a free phone consultation to see if this is the case. It's not about the excess amount of stuff you have that makes you a hoarder, it's the mentality. Do you get really angry and have emotional outbursts? Or do you just hold on to a lot of stuff and avoid going through it? Call me to help you figure it out! If I can't help you, I know someone who can.
*I am now referring hoarding cases to Rachel Seavey of Collector Care.
*I am no longer focusing on Corporate Organizing. I am now focused on Home Offices and helping Small Business Organization--everything from paper clutter, preparing for taxes, financial organizing, email organizing, photo organizing, computer document organizing. I prefer to work with clients one-on-one, so I'm leaving the corporate gigs. I started out working with Corporate Organizing at 14 years old, so it's definitely time for me to focus on what I enjoy the most.
*I LOVE Whole Home Organizing! It's my passion! I want you to know I'm here for you for your entire home organizing needs: kitchen/pantry, garage, closets, playrooms, bedrooms, craft rooms, junk rooms, guest rooms, home office, any cluttered and disorganized area that stresses you out!
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"I don't even want to come home. There's just too much "noise" from all the stuff. I can't relax. It just stresses me out to look at it, and I dread doing it, so I don't." --Kathy, yesterday's client
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