Saturday, January 3, 2015

A Mantra to Live By

the simplified life.

spend only what you have.
buy only what you need.
keep only what you truly love.
leave only a small “footprint”.

Back to basics; back to the simplicity that can bring true joy and contentedness to your life; that is where we at the simplified life. (tsl.) try to bring you.
Spend only what you have: The fact that someone has published a book titled “Maxed Out” and another titled “Affluenza” points to the fact that we as a nation definitely have a problem with overspending. While we don't always hit the mark, we at tsl. try to live by the ideal of only spending what we have.
Buy only what you need: Come on, admit it. You have at least 3 can openers, 6 white tank tops and more gadgets than you could use in 8 lifetimes. What if the only items you bought were ones you truly loved/needed? How much less “junk” would you have to sift through in order to find what you need and what is important to you as you’re rushing out of the house on your way to work?
Keep only what you love: In the past, you may not have applied a “buy only what you need/love” philosophy to shopping and now you have items you don’t need/use spilling out of your hall closet and pantry and piled on your dining table. Now’s the time to pare down and either sell or donate what you’re not using and what you don’t love.
Leave only a small “footprint”:This is something near and dear to  tsl’s heart. I think we can all agree that as a society we are wasteful – from the endless mountains of to-go containers and plastic water bottles to junk mail and all the other papers lying around. It has been said that the average person generates 21 bags of trash per month. Even if that’s an exaggeration, we can all take measures to reduce the amount of waste and in conjunction lessen our impact on our environment.

by Kat, Professional Organizer/Owner of The Simplified Life
Organizing San Francisco to Mountain View since 2007