Top 10 Things Clients Say When Getting Organized!
1. Oooooo! THAT'S where that is!
2. Is this the worst you've ever seen?
3. I thought I'd lost that! Now I have two. Can't believe I bought another when it was right here the whole time.
4. *Gasp!* Where did you find that? I've been looking EVERYWHERE for that!
5. Why didn't I do this earlier?
6. While going through Memorabilia: "Awwww! I had forgotten all about that [vacation, trip, hike, etc.]"
7. I can't believe I still have this!
8. That's not even mine!
9. Why in the world do I own this? No body wants this--not even me.
10. What in the world IS that? I don't even know what that is!
10. What in the world IS that? I don't even know what that is!
"I think I'm an Organized Clutterer. Everything is put away, boxed up, labeled--but it's way too much stuff I don't use, just taking up my space."
--Quote During Recent Phone Consult