Monday, June 9, 2014

Use the Snowball Method to Get Organized!

"Sometimes our stop-doing list needs to be bigger than our to-do list." 

-Patti DighFour-Word Self-Help: Simple Wisdom for Complex Lives
What can you Delete or Delegate off your To-Do List??
Dave Ramsey's Snowball Method Works on Clutter, To-Do Lists, & Getting Your Finances Organized!

If you haven't heard of the Snowball Method yet, I'm glad to be the one to let you in on the Gigantically Successful Lil Secret!

OK, so we're outside. And it's Snowing. Yes, in June, it's Snowing. Let's pick up a handful of snow, pack it down in our hands, make a ball. Let's keep adding to it with more snow, making it bigger and bigger. Soon, it's so big, we can roll it down a hill. Watch it go! It's getting bigger and faster, building bulk and momentum!

THIS is the Snowball Method.

Using the Snowball Method, let's tackle your To-Do list, as Example #1. First, scratch off the smallest, easiest, quickest items on your list. Schedule Dentist Appointment, for example. There--Done. Took you 2 minutes. Out of the way. On to the next quickest and smallest task, and so on. This creates momentum, allowing you to cross things off and feel accomplished, instead of drained!

Example #2, Tackling Your Clutter. You enter your bedroom. There are piles of clutter everywhere--clothes, kids' toys, papers, books, dishes, etc. FIRST thing you do, is make the bed. Yep. Fastest, simplest, easiest task. Then put the dirty clothes in hamper. Take dirty dishes to sink. Kids' toys to their toy chest. Before you know it, your room is picked up and looking a TON better. When you enter a room to defeat the clutter, start with the smallest pile or box, and then go for the next biggest, and so forth. You'll see a dent created in no time!

Example #3, Financial Organizing! Dave Ramsey started the Snowball Method to specifically help his clients with their debt management. Let's say you have 3 credit cards. 1 with $1,000 debt, 2nd with $2,000 debt, 3rd with $5,000 debt. To improve your finances and gain control over your debt, you pay off the smallest debt FIRST, while paying the minimums on all the other cards. (I recommend auto-pay for bills, by the way.)

**Another tip I would like to share is that your Credit Score will increase if you simply have less than 50% of your Credit Limit used. For example, if you have $1000 credit limit, your debt on that card should be less than $500 to improve your credit rating. So even if you don't aim for paying off all of your cards, at least pay half of all limits.

Example #4, REVERSE the Snowball Method! Sometimes, the best way to tackle your clutter/debt/to-do list, is to start with the #1 thing giving you the MOST Stress. Start with the project that's giving you a headache or has the soonest deadline--this allows you to knock it out of the way so you aren't losing sleep at night anymore. Start with your highest interest rate credit card first, pay minimums on your lower interest rate cards till that one is paid off.

Stop Procrastinating! Go use the Snowball Method! :-)

Cheers to De-Cluttering to De-Stress!
Kiera Rain, Owner
Bay Area Professional Organizer
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Howdy, Ya'll! We are Bay Area Professional Organizer Company (BAPO for short)! We Organize Homes, Offices and Businesses throughout the Entire Bay Area. No Travel Fees! And we provide Free Donation and Recycling Haul-Away Services After Every Session! Our niche is focusing on the mental/emotional aspects of disorganization: Hoarding, OCD, ADD, Anxiety, Depression and Grief. We also work with those in Life Transition (divorce, moving, marriage, new baby, stepfamily), and the Simply Busy Person!

Meet Our Team Members: Owner and Professional Organizer, Kiera Rain, who grew up with Hoarders on both sides of her family. Welcome, New Employee/Professional Organizer Kay Williams (with over 15 years experience!), who has been featured TWICE on TLC's Hoarding: Buried Alive! 

Other Teammates include Junk Hauler Ivan, Owner of 1888-98-"JUNK-IT", Debbie DeSousa who does "clutter selling" for clients, and Tech Guru Brian Jacobson who helps with electronic recycling/info wiping and transferring/cord control and your tech needs.

Bay Area Professional Organizer Company comes with a vast referral Rolodex for clients' needs: whether carpet cleaning, installing new flooring, handyman service, movers, etc. We're here to help steer you in the right direction with local professional services you can trust! Just ask us for a referral you need.

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