- delete photos from your phone
- delete apps from your phone
- update your to do and shopping lists
- empty your dishwasher
- switch the laundry loads
- make your bed
- put away some of your clean laundry
- clean the sink and toilet
- clear the extra empty hangers out of your closet
- empty your trashcans
- clean out a drawer
- clean out your purse/wallet
- dust one room
- sweep the kitchen
- pay a couple of bills
- straighten up one room
- file a stack of papers
- sew a missing button
- repair a ripped hem
- plan your meals for the week
- gather up items to return (library books, things borrowed from a friend, etc.)
- clear out expired items from your medicine cabinet
- clear out the fridge
- check your desk for dead pens and markers
- purge business cards
- enter the contacts you really want into your phone
- respond to a couple of emails
- write a letter
- clean out your makeup drawer
- purge the mail
- set out your clothes for the next day
- make lunches for the next day
- make a phone call
Get Motivational Support for De-Cluttering to De-Stress by Kiera Rain, Bay Area Professional Organizer! www.NoMoreClutter.org