Crafters’ Swap!
Saturday, Nov 5, 2016
Concord Library: 2900 Salvio St, Concord, CA 94519
Free to the Public! All Skill Levels Welcome! All Ages Welcome!
Kiera Rain, owner of Bay Area Professional Organizer Co, saw a consistent problem--many of her artsy clients had an accumulation of art supplies and unfinished projects cluttering their homes. They didn’t want things going the landfill, and the supplies weren’t saleable at thrift stores--so no good to donate to charity. Kiera then partnered with Christina Benson, Adult Services Librarian at the Concord Library, to host a monthly Crafters’ Swap to solve this very problem! They are hoping the monthly Crafters’ Swap grows big and other libraries catch on!

So Come One, Come All to this FREE community event to sit and create for 2 hours--o, what zen!
Saturday, Nov 5th, 12-2pm and Saturday, Dec 3rd, 12-2pm. MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW! See ya there!
Suggestions of Craft Supplies to Bring:

Poster Board, Paper, Canvases
Scissors, Glues, Glue Guns, Erasers, Paints, Brushes
String, Yarn
Greeting Cards/Envelopes
Markers, Crayons, Colored Pencils, Coloring Books
Crafting Tools (please no knives since public library/kids will also be crafting)
Art Kits
Picture Frames
Tripods, Cameras, Film, Dark Room Equipment, Software
Misc Items that you think would make a cool craft supply