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I hope you enjoyed the last e-newsletter on Holiday Organizing Tips! Today's Topic: 7 Quick and Easy Steps to Combat Your Trashy Nightmares!Don't forget! December will feature commentary, testimonials and tips from readers on having an organized lifestyle! If you have a cool tip or trick (whether from you or one you found on Pinterest), please respond to this email, and you'll be featured on the upcoming newsletter!Please join us over at Facebook for even MORE cool organizing ideas, tips from followers and amusing jokes on the woes of being disorganized, that we can all relate to!
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7 Quick & Easy Ways to Combat Your Trashy Nightmares!
1) Eliminate spoiled food from your fridge and pantry each week, the night before trash pick-up. This will help you to see what foods are going to waste, which will cut down your grocery bill, and it will help you to eat foods before they expire. Have a weekly "Left-Overs Dinner" the night before trash pick-up.2) Empty ALLLLL trashcans in your home the night before trash pick-up. Separate out trash/recycling into your main big kitchen cans. (see #7)3) Place a very small trashcan in every separate room of your house (living room, bedrooms, bathrooms, laundry area, etc). Find decorative trashcans for each room, and keep them in a "hidden area," ie: beside the dryer to catch lent, beside your nightstand, under the coffee table.
4) Have a GOOD shredder and a recycling bin beside your desk. I recommend buying a shredder at Staples, around $100. Great thing about Staples is their AMAZING return policy. If it craps out--return it for a brand new one, even a year later.
5) Do NOT keep a teeny tiny recycling bin in your garage. Extra steps means the less likely you are to recycle. It also means that once your recycling fills up, you'll be dumping it into your trashcan.
6) For odor control for your cans: wipe them down regularly. Use Glad drawstring scented bags (lemon, febreeze, lavendar, etc, or non-scented still blocks odors). Sprinkle baking soda under the bags, in the can. Soak the can in warm water and soap, then rinse and air dry. Hose down the outside cans as needed--again, use soap and air dry. If outside cans are super yucky, call your garbage company for a trade-out for new, fresh cans. Do NOT put loose trash in your outdoor cans--use bags (biodegradable for eco-friendliness) to hold the mess.
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7) Keep two large cans of equal size in your kitchen, side-by-side each other. One is for trash. The other is for recycling. This will increase your recycling skills, and decrease your trash collecting.
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Eliminate this teeny, tiny thing in your garage (that you hate going into):
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And Do This! (re: Tip #5)
Outdoor Bins, Left to Right: Green (Yard and Food Waste), Blue (Recycling Bin), Black (Garbage--Land Fill).
Get the smallest trash bin available, and the largest recycling bin available through your trash company. You'll see the difference in your tossing-away behaviors immediately. If you make this economic switch, your trash bill will go down! Most trash companies will decrease your bill for having the smallest trash bin, and not charge you for the largest recycling bin!
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Start NOW to Get Organized for the Holidays!
Are you nervous about Holiday Guests arriving? Stop Stressing Over the Mess and Chaos--Hire Kiera Rain, Bay Area Professional Organizer, to De-Clutter and Organize Your Space! Whole Home Organizing and Home Office Organizing Services for East Bay Residents!
Call 415-786-8266 for a Free Phone Consultation with Kiera Rain!
info@TheBayOrganizer.com http://www.BayAreaProfessionalOrganizer.com
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