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Q: When does it rain money? A: When there is "change" in the weather.
Son: "Mom can I get twenty bucks" Mom: Does it look like I am made of money Son: "Well isn't that what M.O.M stands for?"
Q: What did the cat say when he lost all his money? A: I'm paw!
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Financial Organizing Strategies That Will Change Your Life!
Did You Know? Today is Organize Your Home Office Day! http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/organize-your-home-office-day/It is also Tax Time! Working with a Professional Organizer to prepare for taxes is a super smart idea, by the way. Office and Paper Organizing is a lot of fun to me. I help clients purge the excess paper clutter, toss out-dated files, create a new filing system, or improve on an existing filing system that needs some help. I help clients figure out what they need to keep/not keep. I consult, coach and advise on a new structured regimen for their office schedule and activities that will help improve their productivity, whether in a home office or corporate office. Did you know that clutter kills concentration and productivity? I also help re-arrange office furniture and edit decor to improve space flow and aesthetics, making your office warm and inviting instead of a Stress Zone you want to avoid. I've helped with picking out paint colors many times, too. I'm here to help completely transform your office--from mess and chaos, taming paper clutter, and decorating. Call me for a Free Phone Consultation to see if we are a fit to work together! 415-786-8266. I service the entire San Francisco Bay Area, No Travel Fees!
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Quick Tips to Stay on Top of Your Bills!
- Create 3 Folders to keep in the very front of your filing drawer: "To Pay," "To Do--Now," and a "To Do." Keep the bills you need to pay in the "To Pay" folder, adding any time you get a bill in the mail. Keep up with your mail--open and file right away! File, Don't Pile!
- Do automatic deposits and payments through your bank.
- Keep a reality check on your finances through your bank's mobile app.
- Create a budget. Here's just one of many sites that can help you out:
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Give Yourself Some Structured Breathing Room! And Don't Get Late Fees Again!
Call all of your utilities and creditors, and schedule your bills to be due on the 20th of every month. Since most people pay their mortgage/rent on the first, and it's usually the largest bill, this will give you time to recover in-between bill paying. Sit down and pay all of your bills on the 15th of every month, or have them automatically debited. Sticking to paying everything on the 15th, but due on the 20th, will allot you an extra 5 day grace period in case things get really sticky on a particular month, and ensure you don't miss payments ever again.
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Manage Your Credit Report

- First, Take a Look at your Credit Report. I personally useTrueCredit.com, and have used them since 2008. I can get a full report every 30 days, and a new report with TransUnion, the owner of TrueCredit.com, every day if I wanted. You can make disputes directly to the bureaus from the website, too.
- Which brings me to my next point: Dispute the Errors on your credit report. Wrong name, address, employment name or start date? Has there been a credit increase on your credit card that isn't being reported by one of the bureaus? Did you know that you can dispute all of your inquiries. Legally, they can stay on there for 2 years, but oftentimes if you ask nicely, they'll be removed. Make sure your report is accurate and unified across all 3 bureaus.
- Ask for negative items to be reviewed/dropped if it's been a long time, you were only an authorized user, or your accounts were used fraudently by a thief.
- Is a bureau forgetting about one or more of your accounts? Make sure the bureaus know about ALL of your good-standing credit history to ensure they are reporting all of your good marks.
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Credit Card Chaos
- First, KNOW what credit cards you have. This is usually found via Paper/Office Organizing and Looking Up Your Credit Report.
- Secondly, CALL each credit card company, and ask for your balance, available credit, and percentage rate.
- Make sure each credit card has your up-to-date name, address, phone number, email, etc.
- Make sure the authorized user is correct, or that you delete the person from having access.
- Ask for a Decreased APR, an Increase of Credit, and a Unified Biling Cycle--the 20th of the month. For every card. There's no harm in asking!
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