Saturday, January 11, 2014

Are you Guilty of Procrastinating?

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Bay Area Professional Organizer
Stop Staring at Clutter--Get Organized with Kiera Rain
Definition of Tomorrow
What do you procrastinate on?
We all procrastinate on things--I hate putting away my clothes, for example. I have to make a game of it for myself and watch a comedy show in my bedroom while I fold and hang and put away, racing to finish by the time the show is over. I have the Nanny put away my son's clothes--delegate the chore to someone else if you can!

Some of us tend to procrastinate routinely. Procrastination always causes more stress. It's a domino effect. You choose to procrastinate and put the one dish in the sink instead of the dishwasher, so you pile more dishes in the sink because hey, there are already dishes there. Then you run out of dishes. Then you have to hand wash one dish, but you procrastinate on putting the others in the dishwasher. Then there's smell. From rot, mold, mildew. Then it's a real mess to clean up! So you procrastinate because now it's time consuming and a pain in the butt and a nasty chore--that stuff is STUCK on there!

And what happens when you do finally tackle the dishes and get them all washed and put away? The smell is gone, you have clean dishes to eat off of, your guilt is gone, you feel accomplished, you have a cleared counter space again, you aren't embarrassed to have others over, and the positive list goes on!

Grin and Bear It, I always say. Do it now and just get it over with so you can truly relax and enjoy the rest of your time without feeling guilty or burdened. You know the feeling I'm talkin' about.

Before you procrastinate on something, ask yourself:
"Is My Future Self Going to Thank Me for This?"
Tips to Overcome Procrastination
10 Tips to Overcome Procrastination
Did you plan on Getting Organized in 2013 by Doing It Yourself?
Are you staring at a January 2014 calendar and still surrounded by clutter, paper piles, unopened boxes and general chaos? Take back control of your life! Schedule an initial session with me to start tackling the jobs on your to-do list--TOGETHER. If you are overwhelmed, struggling with figuring out where to start and how to get organized, I'm here to help. Call me at 415-786-8266 or 925-290-7246 or reply to this email. We can start working together this January so you are on your way to having a Clutter Free 2014!
NOW not later
Book Your Organizing Sessions Now!
Get Organized! Stop Stressing Over the Mess and Clutter--Hire Kiera Rain, Bay Area Professional Organizer, to De-Clutter Your Space!

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Call Kiera Rain at 415-786-8266 for a Free Phone Consultation! Or reply to this email.

Bay Area Professional Organizer for Homes,
Offices and Businesses since 2003!

Serving the Entire San Francisco Bay Area. No Travel Fees!
